Kristin Hannah
“As mothers and daughters, we are connected to one another. My mother is in the bones of my spine, keeping me straight and true. She is in my blood, making sure it runs rich and strong. She is in the beating of my heart. I cannot now imagine a life without her.”
Most Recent Episodes

Release Date: April 2025
Define Conception:
1. The act of conceiving; the first formation of the embryo or fetus of an animal.
2. May be sometimes used for the power of conceiving ideas, as when we say, a thing is not within our conception Some writers have defined conception as a distinct faculty of the mind; but it is considered by others as memory, and perhaps with propriety.

Release Date:April 2025
Define Delivery:
1. Surrender; a giving up
2. Release; rescue; as from slavery, restraint, oppression or danger.
3. Childbirth.
4. A giving or passing from one to another; as the delivery of goods, or of a deed.
5. Utterance; pronunciation; or manner of speaking.

Mamma Hen
Release Date: April 2025
Define Mamma:
1. A familiar word for mother, used by young children.
Define Hen:
1. The female of any kind of fowl; but it is particularly applied to the female of the domestic fowl of the gallinaceous kind, or as sometimes called, the barn-door fowl.

Mother Of All Living
Release Date: April 2025
Define Mother:
1. A female parent; especially, one of the human race; a woman who has borne a child; correlative to son or daughter.
2. Matrix, Matter, The Womb, Materials of Which Any Thing Is Made
Define Living:
1. Dwelling; residing; existing; subsisting; having life or the vital functions in operation; not dead.

Teach Her
Release Date: April 2025
Define Teach:
1. To instruct; to inform; to communicate to another the knowledge of that of which he was before ignorant.
2.. To signify or give notice.
Define Her:
1. Belonging to a female
2. It is used before neuter nouns in personification.
3. It is also used as a pronoun or substitute for a female in the objective case, after a verb or preposition.

Bring Honor To Your Home
Release Date: April 2025
Define Honor:
1. The esteem due or paid to worth; high estimation
2. True nobleness of mind; magnanimity; dignified respect for character, springing from probity, principle or moral rectitude
Define Home:
1. A dwelling house; the house or place in which one resides. He was not at home
2. The place of constant residence; the seat
3. The grave; death; or a future state.
Webster’s Dictionary 1828
“This online edition has been carefully prepared in a proprietary format. All of the words, definitions and examples have been preserved, but the explanations of word origins have been omitted to make using the data in a digital format more accessible. We have omitted Webster’s lengthy technical introduction for the same reason.
Scripture references have been standardized in a modern format, and many abbreviations have been expanded for ease in understanding.” https://webstersdictionary1828.com/